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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
Linking and embedding servers that use ObjectComponents and ObjectWindows require the large memory model.
Link them with the OLE and ObjectComponents libraries.
The integrated development environment (IDE) chooses the right build options when you ask for OLE support. To build any ObjectComponents program from the command line, create a short makefile that includes the OWLOCFMK.GEN file found in the EXAMPLES subdirectory.
EXERES and OBJEXE hold the name of the file to build and the names of the object files to build it from. The last line includes the OWLOCFMK.GEN file. Name your file MAKEFILE and type this at the command-line prompt:
MAKE, using instructions in OCFMAKE.GEN, will build a new makefile tailored to your project. The new makefile is called WIN16Lxx.MAK.