OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
No Matches
Setting Button Gadget Style

You can modify the appearance of a button gadget by using the following TButtonGadget functions:

  • TButtonGadget::SetNotchCorners turns corner notching on and off:
    void SetNotchCorners(bool notchCorners=true);
  • TButtonGadget::SetAntialiasEdges turns antialiasing of the button bevels on and off:
    void SetAntialiasEdges(bool anti=true);
  • TButtonGadget::SetShadowStyle changes the style of the button shadow. There are two options for the shadow style, both from the enum TShadowStyle: SingleShadow and DoubleShadow. Following is the syntax for SetShadowStyle:

See Also