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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
This is the complete list of members for ocf::TOcRegistrar, including all inherited members.
AppDesc | ocf::TRegistrar | protected |
CanUnload() | ocf::TOcRegistrar | protectedvirtual |
CreateAutoApp(TObjectDescriptor app, owl::uint32 options, IUnknown *outer=0) | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
CreateAutoObject(TObjectDescriptor doc, TServedObject &app, IUnknown *outer=0) | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
CreateAutoObject(const void *obj, const std::type_info &objInfo, const void *app, const std::type_info &appInfo, IUnknown *outer=0) | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
CreateBOleClassMgr() | ocf::TOcRegistrar | |
CreateOcApp(owl::uint32 options, TOcAppHost *host, TOcAppFrameHost *frameHost) | ocf::TOcRegistrar | inline |
CreateOcApp(owl::uint32 options, TOcApp *&ret) | ocf::TOcRegistrar | inline |
GetAppDescriptor() | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
GetFactory(const GUID &clsid, const GUID &iid) | ocf::TOcRegistrar | protectedvirtual |
GetNext(TRegistrar *reg) | ocf::TRegistrar | static |
GetOptions() const | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
IsOptionSet(owl::uint32 option) const | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
LoadBOle() | ocf::TOcRegistrar | protected |
ProcessCmdLine(owl::tstring &cmdLine) | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
RegisterAppClass() | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
ReleaseAutoApp(TObjectDescriptor app) | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
Run() | ocf::TRegistrar | virtual |
SetApp(TOcApp *app) | ocf::TOcRegistrar | |
SetOption(owl::uint32 bit, bool state) | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
Shutdown(IUnknown *releasedObj, owl::uint32 options) | ocf::TRegistrar | virtual |
TOcApp | ocf::TOcRegistrar | friend |
TOcRegistrar(owl::TRegList ®Info, TComponentFactory callback, owl::uint32 preselectedOptions, owl::tstring &cmdLine, owl::TRegLink *linkHead=0, owl::TModule *module=&owl::GetGlobalModule()) | ocf::TOcRegistrar | |
TRegistrar(owl::TRegList ®Info, TComponentFactory callback, owl::tstring &cmdLine, owl::TModule *module=&owl::GetGlobalModule()) | ocf::TRegistrar | |
TRegistrar(TAppDescriptor &appDesc) | ocf::TRegistrar | protected |
UnregisterAppClass() | ocf::TRegistrar | inline |
~TOcRegistrar() | ocf::TOcRegistrar | |
~TRegistrar() | ocf::TRegistrar | virtual |