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Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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VBX control properties

Every VBX control has a number of properties.

Control properties affect the look and behavior of the control; for example, the colors used in various parts of the control, the size and location of the control, the control's caption, and so on. Changing these properties is usually your main way to manipulate a VBX control.

Each control's properties should be fully documented in the control reference guide of third-party VBX control libraries. If the control is not a third-party control or part of a commercial control package, then you need to consult the control's designer for any limits or special meanings to the control's properties.

Many properties often function only as an index to a property. An example of this might be background patterns: 0 could mean plain, 1 could mean cross-hatched, 2 could mean black, and so on. Without the proper documentation or information, it can be difficult to use a control's properties.

See Also