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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
This is the complete list of members for owl::TDynamicBitmapGadget, including all inherited members.
ButtonDn enum value | owl::TGadget | |
ButtonUp enum value | owl::TGadget | |
ChangeBorderStyle(TBorderStyle bs) | owl::TGadget | inlineprotected |
CommandEnable() | owl::TDynamicBitmapGadget | virtual |
CreateCelArray(TResId resId, int numImages) const | owl::TBitmapGadget | protectedvirtual |
Created() | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
Embossed enum value | owl::TGadget | |
GetBorders() | owl::TGadget | inline |
GetBorderStyle() const | owl::TGadget | inline |
GetBounds() | owl::TGadget | inline |
GetBounds() const | owl::TGadget | inline |
GetDesiredSize(TSize &size) | owl::TBitmapGadget | protectedvirtual |
GetEnabled() const | owl::TGadget | inline |
GetGadgetWindow() | owl::TGadget | inlineprotected |
GetGadgetWindow() const | owl::TGadget | inlineprotected |
GetId() const | owl::TGadget | inline |
GetImage() const | owl::TBitmapGadget | inline |
GetInnerRect(TRect &rect) | owl::TGadget | |
GetMargins() | owl::TGadget | inline |
GetOuterSizes(int &left, int &right, int &top, int &bottom) | owl::TGadget | |
GetTrackMouse() const | owl::TGadget | inlineprotected |
Grooved enum value | owl::TGadget | |
IdleAction(long idleCount) | owl::TGadget | virtual |
Inserted() | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
Invalidate(bool erase=true) | owl::TGadget | protected |
InvalidateRect(const TRect &rect, bool erase=true) | owl::TGadget | protected |
IsEndOfRow() const | owl::TGadget | inline |
IsHaveMouse() const | owl::TGadget | inlineprotected |
IsVisible() const | owl::TGadget | inline |
IsWideAsPossible() const | owl::TGadget | inline |
IsWindowVisible() const | owl::TGadget | |
LButtonDown(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
LButtonUp(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
MouseEnter(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
MouseLeave(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
MouseMove(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
Moved() | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
NextGadget() | owl::TGadget | inline |
None enum value | owl::TGadget | |
Paint(TDC &dc) | owl::TBitmapGadget | protectedvirtual |
PaintBorder(TDC &dc) | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
Plain enum value | owl::TGadget | |
PtIn(const TPoint &point) | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
Raised enum value | owl::TGadget | |
RButtonDown(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
RButtonUp(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
Recessed enum value | owl::TGadget | |
Removed() | owl::TGadget | protectedvirtual |
SelectImage(int imageNum, bool immediate) | owl::TBitmapGadget | |
SetBorders(const TBorders &borders) | owl::TGadget | |
SetBorderStyle(TBorderStyle bs) | owl::TGadget | |
SetBounds(const TRect &boundRect) | owl::TBitmapGadget | protectedvirtual |
SetEnabled(bool enabled) | owl::TGadget | virtual |
SetEndOfRow(bool eor) | owl::TGadget | inline |
SetInMouse(bool state) | owl::TGadget | inlineprotected |
SetMargins(const TMargins &margins) | owl::TGadget | |
SetShrinkWrap(bool shrinkWrapWidth, bool shrinkWrapHeight) | owl::TGadget | |
SetSize(const TSize &size) | owl::TGadget | |
SetTrackMouse(bool track) | owl::TGadget | inlineprotected |
SetVisible(bool visible) | owl::TGadget | inlinevirtual |
SetWideAsPossible(bool wide=true) | owl::TGadget | inline |
SysColorChange() | owl::TBitmapGadget | virtual |
TBitmapGadget(TResId imageResIdOrIndex, int id, TBorderStyle borderStyle, int numImages, int startImage=0, bool sharedCels=false) | owl::TBitmapGadget | |
TBorderStyle enum name | owl::TGadget | |
TDynamicBitmapGadget(TResId imageResIdOrIndex, int id, TBorderStyle borderStyle, int numImages, int startImage=0, bool sharedCels=false) | owl::TDynamicBitmapGadget | |
TGadget(int id=0, TBorderStyle borderStyle=None) | owl::TGadget | |
Update() | owl::TGadget | protected |
WellSet enum value | owl::TGadget | |
WndRaised enum value | owl::TGadget | |
WndRecessed enum value | owl::TGadget | |
~TBitmapGadget() | owl::TBitmapGadget | |
~TGadget() | owl::TGadget | virtual |