OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
No Matches
owl::TIcon Member List

This is the complete list of members for owl::TIcon, including all inherited members.

GetHandle() constowl::TIconinline
GetIconInfo() const -> ICONINFOowl::TIcon
GetIconInfoEx() const -> ICONINFOEXowl::TIcon
GetInfo() const -> TInfoowl::TIcon
operator HICON() constowl::TIconinline
operator==(const TIcon &other) constowl::TIconinline
THandle typedefowl::TIcon
TIcon(HICON handle, TAutoDelete autoDelete=NoAutoDelete)owl::TIcon
TIcon(HINSTANCE, const TIcon &icon)owl::TIcon
TIcon(HINSTANCE, TResId)owl::TIcon
TIcon(HINSTANCE, const tstring &filename, int index)owl::TIcon
TIcon(HINSTANCE, const TSize &size, int planes, int bitsPixel, const void *andBits, const void *xorBits)owl::TIcon
TIcon(const void *resBits, uint32 resSize)owl::TIcon
TIcon(const ICONINFO &iconInfo)owl::TIcon