OWL Next In Association with Amazon.com give you quick way to order OWL,OOP,C++ and STL related books.These books are for sale!!All the books listed are for sale. If you're interested in any books below, click the appropriate links and you will bring to Amazon bookstore order page. From there, you can choose your payment method, etc. All transactions are made to Amazon bookstore. Amazon bookstore offer book prices which is cheaper then any bookstore you can find (some has discounts which up to 40%)! You can always return to this page to browse more book by using the browser's Back button or any appropriate links! Deliver your book to your doorstep!!All books freighting and ordering are handled by Amazon bookstore. Amazon bookstore is well known with its fast and safe delivery! Most book are guaranteed to be arrived within 24 hours after you had placed the order. Get more descriptions and readers reviews!If you're hesitating on which book to buy, click the Review link. You can read all reviews and ratings which had made by the readers which had read the book! From there, you can make your wise choice on ordering the book you desire. OWL Related Books:
C++ Related Books:
Win32 Related Books:
Advanced OWL 5.0 : Power Tools for OWL ProgrammersAvailable from Manning Publications Co. along with two sample chapters for download.
This book and Core OWL 5.0 : OWL Internals for Advanced Programmers gives you a complete and intensive coverage of Borland OWL. This book explain mainly about the helper class (such as the Borland Class Library, etc.). As far as I know, these two books are supposed to be combined into a 15 inches thick book! Due to some publishing and customer psychological factor, the publisher had decided to break it into two different parts which focus differently. If you're an OWL developer who is beyond the "OWL for Dummies" level, this
book will show you how to obtain all the potential your OWL applications have for power,
elegance and flexibility.
Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Core OWL 5.0 : OWL Internals for AdvancedAvailable from Manning Publications Co. along with two sample chapters for download.
This books is the complement of
Advanced OWL 5.0.
If you are frustrated by shallow coverage of OWL topics in current
documentation, this book is right for you! Core OWL 5.0 takes you well beyond the
"Hello, world" level. Concentrating on the central features and classes of the
OWL framework, this book dives under the surface and into the OWL source code itself.
You'll see what new capabilities OWL 5.0 offers the OWL programmer. You'll gain a deeper
understanding of what OWL does on your behalf such as the OWL messaging system and its
message maps.
Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Teach Yourself OWL Programming in 21 Daysby Ian Spencer Although you may think that this book is a bit too old. But this is definitely the best book on OWL for programmer who doesn't have any OWL Programming experiences! This book begin by taking you into a crash course of OOP. Later, it covers some important features in the Borland C++ IDE and tools. It begins the OWL lessons by teaching you what is an application, basic OWL message handling, using Windows, Dialog, and Controls. When you've a strong grasp of the basics, it dives into some hardcore topics such as GDI, Printing, using DLL, DDEML. At the end of each chapter, there're "DO and DON'T" columns which explain some common pitfalls of OWL Programmer. There're two extra credit topics at the end of the book, covers the surface of OLE programming and Borland Database Engine. As a conclusion, this book is a must for any programmer who wants to learn OWL Programming from beginning. It had give me a very good start on OWL Programming. Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Borland C++ 4.X Tips, Tricks, and Traps
Although this book is several years old, but it still contains values which other OWL
books didn't cover. This book mainly explain how to perform a specific task in an OWL
Application. This book is packed with valuable techniques which may be the solution of
your OWL applications. Availability: Please note that titles occasionally go out of print or publishers run out of stock. Although it is no longer available from the publisher, Amazon.com will query network of used bookstores for you and send an update within one to two weeks. Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Programming With Owl for Windows 95
Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Objectwindows 2.0 Programming/Book and Disk
Officially endorsed by Borland, this insider's guide shows how to use the latest
version of ObjectWindows to quickly build Windows applications. Written by respected
programming authority and magazine columnist Tom Swan, the book features comprehensive
treatment of all major features of ObjectWindows. Very useful book. Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Database Developer's Guide With Borland C++5 (Sams Developers Guide)
Borland C++ Developer's Guide helps all programmers get the most from Borland's latest
version of C++. They quickly learn, through the use of real-world applications and
examples, the tricks and techniques necessary to efficiently enhance their programs.
Exhaustive detail is given to every subject-from Windows extensions like MAPI, TAPI, OLE
2, NetDDE to cross platform programming. This is the most detailed book on developing
programs with Borland C++. - Step-by-step instructions cover every detail Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Windows Graphics Programming With Borland C++ (A Coriolis Group Book)John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471309303 Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours. A guide to Windows and Windows NT graphics programming, offering techniques for graphics generation, editing, and printing. Covers bitmap graphics, the Windows color system, the Object Windows Library 2.0, fonts and text, interactive drawing techniques, animation, presentation graphics, and solid modeling. This second, revised edition includes new material on TrueType fonts, printing functions, and fractals. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or. Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Effective C++ : 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
The first edition of Effective C++ sold nearly 100,000 copies and was translated into four languages. It's easy to understand why. Scott Meyers' practical approach to C++ described the rules of thumb employed by the experts -- the things they almost always do or almost always avoid doing -- to produce clear, correct, efficient code. Each of this book's 50 guidelines summarizes a way to write better C++, and the accompanying discussions are backed by specific examples. For this new edition, Meyers reworked every guideline in the book. The result is exceptional adherence to C++'s Draft International Standard, current compiler technology, and the latest insights into the use of C++ for real-world applications. Highlights of Effective C++, 2nd Edition include: expert guidance on object-oriented design, class design, and the proper use of inheritance; an examination of the standard C++ library, including how the Standard Template Library and classes like string and vector affect the structure of well-written programs; discussions of late-breaking language features like in-class constant initializations, namespaces, and member templates; and wisdom usually possessed by only the most experienced developers. Effective C++ continues to be essential reading for every developer working with C. Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! More Effective C++ : 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
Scott Meyers' Effective C++ was a successful bestseller. Now, with Effective C++ Plus, Meyers answers consumers' pleas for more programming tips, providing 50 new practical rules for C++ professionals. Sticking with the proven format of the first book, each style rule is followed by a short paragraph explaining the rule with examples illustrating it. Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! STL Tutorial & Reference Guide : C++ Programming With the Standard Template Library
As part of the C++ standard, STL provides programmers with a catalog of reusable software components plus the rules that govern how to use them. This guide is the sole source for comprehensive tutorial and reference material on this new technology. Co-authored by one of the chief developers of the standard, this book teaches you everything you need to know about using STL effectively. Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Large-Scale C++ Software Design (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series; Availability:This title usually ships within 24 hours. The topic is of prime importance to software professionals involved in large development efforts such as databases, operating systems, compilers, and frameworks. This volume explains the process of decomposing large systems into physical (not inheritance) hierarchies of small, manageable components. Concepts and techniques are illustrated with "war stories" from the development firm, Mentor Graphics, as well as with a large-scale example comprising some 12,000 lines of code. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or. Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Win32 Multithreaded Programming.
700 pages Bk&Cd Rom edition (January 1998) Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours. Win32 Multithreaded Programming explores the concepts of multithreaded programming to provide the developer with the knowledge necessary to skillfully construct efficient and complex applications. From basic thread synchronization using mutexes and semaphores to advanced topics like creating reusable thread pools or implementing a deferred processing queue, the book uses real-world applications and carefully constructed examples to illustrate the principles of multithreaded programming. Back to Top Other Readers' Review Order Now! Multithreading
Applications in Win32 : The Complete Guide to Threads
Paperback - 400 pages
Bk&Cd-Rom edition (December 1996) Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours. Multithreading--dividing an application into multiple independent streams of execution--is a powerful but potentially intimidating programming technique. Multithreading Applications in Win32: The Complete Guide to Threads teaches you how to build multithreaded applications step by step, starting with simple examples and gradually introducing complicating factors and the Win32 APIs you'll need to deal with them. After you've mastered the basic concepts, you'll learn exactly how to implement multithreading applications using C, C++, and MFC, plus specific applications of multithreading on the Win32 platform. The entire book maintains a conversational tone that helps make potentially complex topics understandable. |
Last updated: April 23, 2007 |